
Section 2 .. Reasons To Believe/Jesus

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The Deity of Jesus Christ. Was He Lord, Liar,
Or Lunatic?


Carol Brooks

PART I - Who Was Jesus?  HERE
There is usually very little argument as to whether or not a person called Jesus ever lived. In fact, even many people who are not Christians will agree that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was a unique personality. However, opinions as to who He was are sharply divided. Many hold that He was a great moral teacher/spiritual leader - just not God as He maintained. The problem being that if Jesus is not who he claimed to be and is not who the Bible says, He lied in His teeth thus cannot possibly be a great moral/spiritual teacher. Much to the contrary He was either vastly deluded, a raving lunatic, or an out and out charlatan whose teachings we can safely ignore.

 However, if He really is God, one has to come to a decision about Jesus and  sit up and pay very close attention to what He had to say.. Of course you can ignore the whole question and turn on the television instead but, what you cannot do is come up with some patronizing nonsense about Him being a great human teacher/philosopher/good man. The door to that option has long been slammed shut.
Decide Wisely, Your Eternal Destiny Depends On It

Those Who Knew Jesus Referred to Him as the Logos and Theos
Fiercely monotheistic, the Jew's knowledge of God was deeply ingrained - handed down from generation to generation. No Jew would ever have believed in any other God other than the Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Joseph - the Great I AM. No Jew would have called any other creature theos (God). Yet, in the opening verse of his Gospel John clearly states that in the beginning Jesus Christ as the Word (logos) was with God (theos), and was God (theos). And he was not the only one.


PART II - What Jesus Said About Himself  HERE
Claims, Titles, and Acceptance of Worship
Jesus not only made some outrageous claims that few ordinary people would make but gave Himself four titles - the significance of which was not lost on His opponents who correctly understood them to be declarations of equality with God. Also, Jesus never rebuked anyone for worshipping Him in spite of the fact that the Scriptures teach that YHWH alone is to be worshipped. Considering the claims Jesus
made, the titles he gave Himself, the worship He accepted (and even encouraged) the only possible conclusion one can come to is that He suffered from grandiose delusions or He was the Son of God as He said.


PART III - Jesus' Claims - Authenticated By Some Very Impressive Evidence  HERE
Jesus' fulfilled numerous Old Testament prophecies about the coming Messiah and performed some awe-inspiring miracles. Additionally many statements and prophecies made by Yahweh about Himself in the Old Testament were exactly fulfilled by Jesus in the New. Besides which God the Father and Jesus shared common attributes and titles - including the First and The Last, the Alpha and The Omega, and the Beginning and The End In fact, the parallels are so close that there can be no doubt that the same Person was being referred to in both sections of the Bible.


    PART IV - Rebuttal Arguments   HERE
    Five passages are often used as proof that Christ was not Deity. None stand up to close scrutiny .


PART V - Explaining The Unexplainable and Conclusion  HERE
 In light of Jesus' statement that He "came forth" from the Father (John 16:27-30), second century apologist, Justin Martyr's analogy goes a long way towards understanding this difficult concept. Last, but far from least, one has to come to a decision about Jesus. Of course you can ignore the whole question and turn on the television instead, but, what you cannot do is come up with some patronizing nonsense about Him being a great human teacher/philosopher/good man. The door to that option has long been slammed shut.


Also See Section
Choose Life That You Might Live
Much of the problem lies in the fact that many people are unwilling to accept things that not explainable by modern science. Even those who believe that God exists, seem not to realize how far His abilities lie beyond our present knowledge and understanding, however advanced we may think that is.

While there is no question that faith does play a major role, God has never asked us to accept anything on 'blind faith', but has provided evidence by the truckload. It is we who refuse to fairly examine this evidence, but come to it with pre-conceived ideas and/or (all too often) misinformation from others who either had an axe to grind, or were themselves deluded.

And why is this important? Simply because far from being outdated, out of touch, and largely irrelevant to modern society, the Kingdom of God Jesus was sent to earth to proclaim (No, His main message wasn't about love) is exactly the utopian world most men and women can only dream of. However, there is also a warning.


Index To Articles On ‘Jesus’

Artwork provided courtesy of James "theo" Theopistos.